Tuesday 23 July 2013

Renew Malaysia international passport due to wet

Today i went to malaysia highcomm in singapore to replace my international passport due to accidentally put into washing machine . -_-''

Anyway the procedure are below :

1)fill up the passport application form.IM 42
2)declaration form ( this one get from counter)
3)two recent photo - blue background
4)orginal malaysia IC and sg pr IC 
5)two photocopy of malaysia ic and sg pr ic
6)original and photocopy of passport.

After submitted , they will take around two weeks to evaluate and check . If you need urgently i think you may have go to JB to process...two week if you want to collect in singapore. Once approved then you can come to make new passport . I thought they will just simply renew the current one ... Turn out is not . 

So now i waiting for the result ... Hopefully it will approve. Next time i will be more careful with my passport ... Probably get a waterproof case for it . :)

25/7 - yeah , receive call from immgration said that my passport still can read the data. They ask me to submit the passport and pay $124 exact... They wont give any change.. Lastly , on 26/7 i would bei able to get my new passport already. I think my passport number will remain same.  **** correction : passport turn out different . However the period is remain 5 years start from date i apply. Previous passport i left 4 years has been forfeited.

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